Food Trends Reveal Consumers Quest for Improved Health
The SupermarketGuru National Grocers Association Consumer Survey reveals that food shoppers are more concerned with diet, health, and nutrition than ever before. About 50 percent of the people surveyed said that their diet could be healthier.
Experts predict that the demand for new kinds of protein will continue to increase, with consumers turning to protein products made from algae, nuts, vegetables, and yeast. Other products will continue the trend of reducing the number of ingredients and artificial ingredients.
About 36 percent of shoppers say they are worried about chemicals in their foods. Food manufacturers are increasingly eliminating concerning additives like growth hormones, GMOs, and other artificial ingredients. Even stalwart brands like Kraft and General Mills have announced that
their macaroni and cheese and breakfast cereals are eliminating artificial flavors, preservatives, and synthetic colors. As these trends continue, consumers can expect to have a greater variety of choice and healthier options on their supermarket shelves.