For Dads, More Family Time Brings Greater Job Satisfaction
A February 2015 study shows that fathers feel greater job satisfaction and less work-life conflict when they spend more time caring for their children. They get mental bonus points for helping out with the kids.
The study published in the Academy of Management Perspectives shows that before increasing child care time, men spent only less than an hour per day with their kids. The Bureau of Labor statistics showed women spent 1.86 hours per workday on child care.
Men spending an average of 2.65 hours a day with their children on weekdays were more satisfied. Up to a certain point, the more time they reported spending with their children, the more likely they were to think their work enriched their home life. They agreed with statements like “my involvement in my work helps me be a better family member.”
Those who were more involved with their children were also less likely to quit their jobs. One of the most important things a father can do, is spend time with his kids.