
Getting Ready for Spring Exercise

Getting Ready for Spring Exercise

Many people spend most of the winter indoors, getting relatively little exercise. When warmer weather hits, everyone is ready to get up and outside to enjoy physical activity. With this comes increases in injuries during the spring months, when those who were sedentary during the winter jump right into strenuous outdoor exercise.

The key to preventing these types of injuries is to increase flexibility before engaging in exercise that requires extended ranges of motion. Gradually reestablish your routine, adding a new activity or more time to your workout each day. Warm up properly by stretching all of your  muscles, reducing your chance of injury. You should also inspect your workout gear for excess wear and tear, especially shoes. If your shoes are worn or lacking in good support, you’ll want to replace those before  you begin a new exercise regimen.

Finally, don’t be surprised if, even with proper  stretching and equipment, you are sore after resuming  your exercise routine. Ease into your workout and stop if you begin to feel pain. Let sore and tired   muscles rest before pushing them to their limits again.

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