Have a Safe Memorial Day Weekend
Memorial Day marks the beginning of the summer recreation season. Unfortunately, it can sometimes be a time for accidents. Make sure you and your family are safe this Memorial Day weekend by remembering these safety tips.
Play Safely
If you are going to be spending time near or on the water, don’t forget to be safe. If you will be on a boat, wear a life jacket, follow all boating rules, and don’t operate a boat while drinking. If you will be swimming, remember to swim with a buddy, swim only in safe water, and never dive into shallow water. All children should be supervised at all times around any type of water. If you will be spending any time in the sun, don’t forget to use sunscreen and wear a hat.
Drive Safely
More people will be on the road on Memorial Day weekend, making for congested roads and highways. Don’t forget to always wear your seatbelt and observe all posted traffic signs and speed limits. It is especially important for children to be in proper child safety seats in your car. And never drink and drive.