
How to Easily Lose One Pound a Week

How to Easily Lose One Pound a Week
It only takes a reduction of 500 calories a day to allow you to lose one pound a week. You can easily achieve this goal with some simple food substitutions.  If you are motivated, you can also add some exercise to your week to make it even easier to lose the weight. Here are some ideas that you can use to cut those daily calories:
Instead of a fast food lunch, which can range from 600 to 1500 calories, opt for any number of frozen entrees that have under 300 calories. Great ones to try are Weight Watchers Smart Ones and the South Beach Diet line.
When having pasta, rice, or potatoes as part of your meal, cut the amount of these carbohydrates in half and substitute some sautéed vegetables.  Add broccoli to your pasta, some onions and red peppers to your rice, and have a smaller serving of those mashed potatoes while adding a tossed salad. You can save 300 to 400 calories in one meal.
Instead of high calorie desserts like ice cream or brownies, choose lowfat yogurt or diet sparkling flavored water to satisfy your sweet tooth. Many ice creams now come in sugar-free varieties as well. You will save another 300 calories this way.
To dress up your sandwich, choose lower calorie condiments instead of high calorie mayonnaise or dressings. Light mayo has only 50 calories per tablespoon. Even lower calorie choices include spicy brown mustard at 5 calories per teaspoon, Tabasco sauce at 0 calories, and relish at only 5 calories per teaspoon.
If you want to walk away the pounds, use these guidelines: A moderate pace of 3-4 miles per hour for one hour will  burn 200-300 calories.

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