
Inviting Guestrooms

Inviting Guestrooms
Inviting Guestrooms
With the holidays just around the corner, you are probably planning for some guests in your home. If you are able to offer your guests a room of their own during their visit, here are some ways to make the space comfortable, hospitable, and inviting.
Along with clean bed linens, consider adding a featherbed mattress topper, extra pillows, and extra blankets for your guests. If there is space
available, have a small upholstered chair in a corner. Offer some bottled water and some light snacks. The room should have adequate lighting,
including a reading light by the bed.
Keep knick-knacks in your guest room to a minimum, so that your guests do not feel crowded. Provide a place for your guests to place their purse,
keys, and other small items. Consider placing a luggage rack or small table in the room. Clear a space in the closet and include some empty
hangers. One or two empty drawers are also helpful.
Window coverings in your guest room should give good light control and privacy. Make sure the door to your guestroom has a functioning lock.
The Extras
A simple alarm clock is a necessity. Keep a pad of paper and some pens on the nightstand. Tissues, an ironing board and iron, and a hair dryer
are also welcome by guests. Place a flashlight in a bedside drawer and offer your guests a copy of your house key. Plan to offer your guests
some magazines or a newspaper. Adding a small television with a remote to your guestroom is also essential for some guests. Finally, if
your guests are interested in visiting local tourist attractions, fill a basket with a local map and some tourist brochures.

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